Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

What You'll Discover

Diseases and Their Causes
Diseases and Their Causes
Why are we getting sicker? What are the true causes of disease? Does the Bible have anything to say about sickness and how to overcome it? These presentations highlight the top diseases and what is at the root of them.
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
In this advanced scientific age, medicine is not healing disease, but only managing symptoms. Learn how to combat disease naturally without side effects. It is God’s perfect will for us to be healthy and He will help us in our efforts to heal.
Practical Living
Practical Living
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Discover practical steps to prevent disease before it comes. This summit will feature select presentations from the inspiring and informative series: Heal your mind, body, and spirit by Barbara O'Neill along with a look at specific ways you can help yourself improve your health.
*You'll have 24 hours to watch the content for each information-packed day.

Exclusive Health Summit participant offer!

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All episodes from the 2022 Health Summit.
8 unseen episodes from Barbara O'Neill' complete 13 part series Heal your Body, Mind & Spirit.
Complete 8 episodes collection of Walt Cross health tips.

Now only $84.76

Self Heal By Design by Barbara O’Neill.
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss.




Self Heal By Design by Barbara O’Neill.
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss.
Thrash - Nature's Healing Practices (Hardcover Book)
Hullquist - Garlic: Nature's Perfect Prescription (Book)




Self Heal By Design by Barbara O’Neill.
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss.
Thrash - Nature's Healing Practices (Hardcover Book)
Hullquist - Garlic: Nature's Perfect Prescription (Book)
Dail & Thomas - Hydrotherapy: Simple Treatments for Common Ailments




Day 1 (March 28)

Day 1 (March 28)

On Day 1, you’ll learn how to fight disease and strengthen your immune system from Barbara O'Neill. How can you have a healthy immune system and avoid disease?

Next Walt Cross will discuss exercise - so important for staying healthy and preventing disease, but how do you get started? Find out about the best exercise for busy people.

And finally MacKenzie Drebit will discuss what many do to lose weight: counting calories. Is counting calories for weight loss a good idea? What factors trigger the body to store calories as fat?

Discover the truth about counting calories, immune strength and exercise today!

Day 2 (March 29)

Day 2 (March 29)

On Day 2, Barbara will discuss heart health. Can you reverse heart disease or is surgery the only answer? The good news is the heart can heal itself. How can you reduce plaque in arteries and find heart cleaning strategies that work?

Walt Cross explains the importance of fresh air full of negative ions and its effect on your body. How does something as simple as fresh air help you?

MacKenzie Drebit will explain the important topic of cholesterol. What is cholesterol and what does it do in the body? What’s the difference between “good” and “bad” cholesterol? Want to know how to increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol? MacKenzie will explain this and more.

Day 3 (March 30)

Day 3 (March 30)

On Day 3, you’ll learn what the Bible says about healing from Barbara O'Neill. Healing is a Bible-based principle. In fact, Jesus spent more time healing than preaching. Does the Bible explain the cause of sickness and how to avoid getting sick? It is God’s perfect will for us to be healthy and He will help us in our efforts to heal.

Next you’ll watch a presentation by Walt Cross about sunshine and the importance of Vitamin D. What does vitamin D do in your body?

You'll also learn some of the natural remedies used to aid in the recovery of Covid including something called a "flu bomb".

Finally MacKenzie will discuss how you can know if you’re getting enough protein in your diet if you eat plant-based. Does broccoli really contain more protein than steak as some have claimed? In this presentation, MacKenzie shows us the best sources of plant-based protein and how to make sense of nutrient charts. Learn the truth about protein and how to structure your plant-based meals to ensure you’re getting enough.

Day 4 (March 31)

Day 4 (March 31)

Today Barbara O'Neill will take a look at Insomnia. Are you wearing out because you can't sleep? This may be having a significant negative impact on your health. Barbara O’Neill looks at natural sleep remedies that promote healthy, restful sleep.

Walt Cross will take a look at something that can destroy your health even if you do everything right. Stress is the number one diagnosis in America. Learning how to deal with stress is an important key to healthy living. Would you like to know how to stop worrying?

Next, Tabea Drebit will be sharing how she dealt with a fever naturally.

And finally, you’ll learn about the popular ketogenic diet for weight loss. What about plant-based keto? Are there problems with these diets? What health principles should be considered when trying to lose weight? Learn how to calculate nutrient ratios for structuring a diet for optimal weight and health. Discover the principles of planning the best diet for you.

Day 5 (April 1)

Day 5 (April 1)

On the final day of the summit, Barbara O'Neill will give us insight on natural pain relief. Pain can be debilitating. And while conventional medicine has powerful drugs for pain relief, that relief comes with unwanted side effects. Is there a natural substitute for morphine?

Next Walt will take a look at how much water our bodies really need. The regulation of body temperature, good blood flow, and the efficiency of the brain and organs is dependent on an adequate supply of water. How much water is enough? Learn a simple hydration formula.

In the last presentation, Tabea Penner will be sharing some herbal teas that have been used to fight the effects of Covid on the lungs.

Finally, MacKenzie Drebit will share a presentation on fasting. Is fasting healthy? What kind of fasting is best? Learn about the intelligent way to fast that allows your body and mind to function optimally.

Meet The Speakers

Barbara O'Neill
Barbara O'Neill
Barbara is a well-known speaker and holistic health coach whose success springs from her knowledge of conditions required for the body to heal itself. Her great passion and life work lies in educating people about God’s health principles that lead to longer, healthier, and happier lives.
Walt Cross
Walt Cross
Walt Cross, former health care administrator and lifestyle center director, is a passionate lifestyle educator with an in-depth practical knowledge of natural treatments. He combines faith in God’s healing power with basic principles to teach disease prevention and health recovery.
MacKenzie Drebit
MacKenzie Drebit
MacKenzie Drebit has spent his growing-up years practicing country living, learning to live off-grid, working at a market garden, and managing his own apiculture business. He has taken extensive courses in nutrition and is a Soil Food Web Consultant.
Tabea Drebit
Tabea Drebit
Tabea began working at Amazing Discoveries and joined the ministry full time when she was 19 years old. She is passionate about God’s Health Message and sharing natural remedies to common everyday sicknesses.
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